SCR Calculator User Manual

Version Last modified 2024-12-8

Step 3: Generate an Efficient Frontier

After importing your data, you’ll notice a Constraint Setting Panel has appeared on the right-hand side of the form. It includes two tabs: "Numeric Constraints" and "Verbal Constraints", as shown below:

Numeric Constraints Tab Verbal Constraints Tab

For now, ignore these tabs and click the "Run EF Calibration" button on the right side of the form. This will generate an efficient frontier, as shown below:

Clicking on any point on the efficient frontier will display pie charts with the corresponding risk, return, and allocation breakdowns:

To evaluate the impact of adding high-yield asset classes, adjust the Upper Bounds for EUR HY and US HY to zero (individually and together), and re-run the optimisation each time. This will produce lower efficient frontiers (e.g., #2, #3, #4) as shown below:

The expanded efficient frontier (#1) demonstrates the value of new asset classes. Comparing frontiers #2 and #3 suggests that EUR HY and US HY provide similar risk-return improvements.

The tool keeps a history of efficient frontiers in a list on the bottom right. Clicking on a frontier will refresh the form to reflect that specific frontier. You can delete frontiers #2, #3, and #4 to revert the form to frontier #1.

With frontier #1, you can perform further investigations:

  • Hover over any point on the frontier to view its exact risk/return values.
  • Switch to the "Data" tab (next to "AA Chart") to view a detailed table of metrics:
    • Each row represents a point on the efficient frontier. Clicking a point highlights the corresponding row and updates the pie chart.
    • The "OpResCode" column indicates the optimisation status:
      • "1": Minimal relative function improvement (EpsF).
      • "2": Minimal relative step size (EpsX).
      • "4": Gradient norm below threshold (EpsG).
      • "5": Maximum iterations reached (MaxIts).
      • "7": Constraints too stringent, best point found so far.
      • "8": Terminated by user with the best current point recorded.
    • Metrics such as volatility, return, duration, and other user-defined numeric columns are automatically calculated and available for review or setting constraints.

On the right, a list of efficient frontiers includes an "Export Data of Selected EF" button, which exports a detailed spreadsheet with multiple tabs:

  • "ALLOC": Allocation table copy.
  • "TRS": Total Return Series data.
  • "SETTINGS": Expected returns, step sizes, and related settings.
  • "NCON": Numeric constraints (empty if none).
  • "VCON": Verbal constraints (empty if none).
  • "CORR": Correlation matrix.
  • "EF": Efficient frontier data.

This spreadsheet serves as a complete definition of the efficient frontier and can be reused as an input sheet to regenerate it. Use the "Optional: Import Constraints" button to reapply saved constraints if needed.