Release Notes

Last Updated: 2024-9-9

19th November 2023

Menu Redesigned

The menu has been redesigned with these cosmetic improvements:

  • Background made compatible with the overall app.
  • User can use 'Alt' to activate the menu.
  • Icons and Ctrl+_ shortcuts added to menu items.
  • A few notes in the User Manual updated accordingly.

14th November 2023

Misc. Fixes

The following (largely presentational) issues were found with v1.12.2.0 and are now fixed in the latest v1.12.3.0.

  • The previous v1.12.2.0 used a new font, which caused some of the controls in the Single Asset SCR form to be distorted / obscured.
  • Some tooltips for the main form and the SCR form were misplaced.
  • The auto update process was showing the older version number when prompting for update.
Since the v1.12.2.0 already had auto-update function, these fixes will be automatic upon app start; and the user can just follow prompt to download and install.