The web version is meant to be a simplified version for convenient cross-platform calculation and quick online look-up.

Here we list the limitations of the web version as a precaution. Only the desktop version is suitable for production.

Features & Functionalities Web Version Desktop Version (Single Asset SCR Module)
Can calculate all SCR components of all asset classes under all jurisdictions Yes Yes
Countries Included for asset definition EIOPA In-Scope Countries (53 in total) All World Countries
Currencies Included for asset definition EIOPA In-Scope Currencies All World Currencies
Cashflows with Optionality change under interest rate and spread stresses No Yes
Can judge call/put likelihood based on user-supplied spread No Yes
"Combo Assets" (e.g. convertible bonds; interest rate swaps) No Yes
Can add single assets to form a portfolio No Yes
Allow user to enter customised risk-free curves / select proxy curves No Yes
Allow user to goal-seek the maturity date based on a target duration No Yes
Bermuda interest rate risk calculation Use SII curves as approximation Use BMA official curves published quarterly
Insurance Capital Standard v2.0 interest rate calculation Not implemented Yes (but using Mar 2022 static curve set)
SST vols and correlations Only available as of the latest valuation year Available and used for the actual valuation year
Correlation between Infrastructure Equity and Other Equities under the ICS Not Implemented Implemented

Besides, of course, the web version can only calculate a single asset's SCR, while the desktop version can calculate the SCR for a portfolio, among other things.