This guide is for enterprise installation using a MSIX installer (link provided on the homepage). You must have admin privilege on your corporate IT system.

For existing users, the app will self-check upon start and auto-update if there is a newer version; instructions below are only relevant for first-time installations.

The app uses SSO login so you don't need to register on this website before using the software. It works the other way: upon your first usage of the App, it will create an account for you on this website, with the same email as your SSO account email, and a default password "12345678". Remember to log in here and change your password.

Step I. Install the PFX Certificate
  • Create and export a new PFX certificate for the app, following Microsoft guidelines. The PowerShell command for PFX certificate creation is: New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -Subject "CN=5AF03A76-003B-47BC-9DE5-A2491073C339" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -FriendlyName "Self-Signed Certificate for SCR Calculator Package" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -TextExtension @("{text}", "{text}")
  • Suppose the thumbprint of your certificate is 'DC109996EA2A6E8B7D86EB4EEDD2FE4E6A22CC0A' and your preferred password is '2008david', then the PowerShell command for PFX certificate export is: $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 2008david -Force -AsPlainText Export-PfxCertificate -cert "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\DC109996EA2A6E8B7D86EB4EEDD2FE4E6A22CC0A" -FilePath C:\Users\zilin\Documents\GitHub\SCRCalculator\SCRCalculatorSelfSignedCertificate.pfx -Password $password
  • Or, more easily, instead of the above step, you can download a pre-made one (password '2008david').
  • Double click the PFX file (or right-click and select 'install PFX'). When prompted, select 'Local Machine':

    Responsive image

  • Continue with the next screen of 'specify file'. Do not change anything.

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  • In the next screen, enter password '2008david'. Do not change anything.

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  • In the next screen, select 'Place all certificates in the following store'. Click 'Browse'

    Responsive image

    In the pop-up screen, select 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities':

    Responsive image

    In the same pop-up screen, further click the checkbox ''Show Physical Stores"; and under the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", select 'Enterprise' (if there is such an option).
  • Close the pop-up window, click next:

    Responsive image

    Then finish import:

    Responsive image

Step 2 Install the App
    Download the app msix installer using the link given on the frontpage of this website. It is called "SmallTradeLimited.SCRCalculator_1.xx.x.0_x64__dnpk58mmb1eqr.msix" where "1.xx.x.0" is the version number. It looks like this on my desktop:

    Responsive image

    Double click it and it should install smoothly.

    Responsive image

    If the 'install' button is greyed out, it means the PFX certificate in the previous step was not correctly installed and the Windows system is not trusting the app. You need to go back and check the PFX creation/installation.
    Some users on virtual machines or vpn to remote machines incur a 'Error: .exe file missing' issue. In this case, there is an alternative, installation-free way: download this zipped program files folder, unzip it, and double-click the 'SCRCalculator.exe' file to run the App directly. This method should only be used as a last resort. Everytime there is a new release, you need to manually download this folder again.
    Anything still not resolved, you can contact us.

Step 3 Update the App
    From version v1.12.2.0 onwards, the app will self-check and auto-update to the latest version upon every use; so no actions are needed from existing users.

Dependencies - .Net Framework
    The App is built under the .Net Framwork (latest version 4.8.1). The .Net Framework is a part of the Windows operating system (both Windows 10 and 11), so normally there should be nothing needed to install. In case you do need to install it, it is available on the Microsoft Official Website.

Dependencies - WindowsAppRuntime